Control Kaoss Pad 3 or Kaosilator melodically with midi note


2013-04-13 17:43:30

Hi there, I really hope I'm posting in the correct forum!

I was wondering if someone could help me with what I would like to do. Essentially I use Ableton Live to perform live and I would like to convert the midi notation sent from a midi keyboard to a Kaos Pad 3 to the appropriate CC's so that I could play one melodically, either on one of the Vocoder patches or one of the synth groove box style patches.

I've only seen one person actually do this and you can see it demonstrated in this review video of the Kaoscilator Pro... ... ro-review/ You'll need to skip to just before about half way to see what he's doing. You'll see he's done this using a MIDI translator function in Logic Pro, which unfortunately Ableton Live doesn't offer, after speaking with Live's tech support they've told me that I can do something like this with your MIDI translator! I've just downloaded the demo version to give this a try and I have got to admit I am quite over whelmed! Although if I can achieve what I would like to I shall certainly be buying the full version!

Is this something anyone else has done before?

Is it possible to have this affect only one of the MIDI channels coming in from my keyboard? I'd still like to play other soft synths and samplers with the other midi channels normally you see.

Many thanks for reading this far, i hope you can help

Kind regards



2013-04-13 20:09:15

Hi Lidge

You can totally do this. What you need to do is set a MIDI Track in Ableton with the input being your keyboard and the output being a virtual port sent to MIDI Translator.

MIDI Translator needs to have the default input port be that virtual Port Ableton is outputting to and the default input port being the KaossPad or Koascilator. You set your translators input as the Virtual Port and the output as the KoassPad and modify your MIDI from there. The signals would look something like

Code: Select all

Translator 1: 90 30 to B0 65
Incoming Message: 90 30 pp
Rules: None
Outgoing Message: B0 65 pp
And that will instantly translate the signals between notes from Ableton and CCs to the Korg gear.

That make sense?