Can I block System Clock (F8) messages


2013-03-25 04:36:29

I have a controller which sends F8 system clock messages. There is no way to stop the messages from being sent. Midi Translator is receiving the output of the controller. The MT Midi In indicator is constantly lit, as is the Midi Time Code indicator.
Since I can't stop the transmission of this time code (which I'm not using) I'd like to block it so it doesn't light up the Midi In indicator. Since it's constantly lit, I cant use the Midi In indicator to monitor my other Midi inputs (a real detriment when I'm debugging my MT program).
The only way I can think of to do this is to put Midiox between the controller and MT, but I'd rather not be using Midiox at all.
Is there a way to block these messages from being "noticed" by MT from within MT itself?
If not, does invoking Midiox put more of a load (time-wise) on my setup as a whole than if I live with the constantly lit Midi In indicator?


2013-03-25 17:48:16

Put this to first preset and first, second translator items

[x] Translator 0.0: 0xF8
Options: stop,swallow
Incoming: Timing Clock
Outgoing: (none)

[x] Translator 0.1: 0xFE
Options: stop,swallow
Incoming: Active Sensing
Outgoing: (none)


2013-03-25 21:37:32

Super.... I'll try it this evening.
You mention putting the code in the first preset, and also in the first and second translators. Can you explain why it is put into two translators, or why it's put into translators at all, and not just the first preset or the first preset and first translator in that preset?
I'm so glad there's a way to preclude using Midiox. It's a wonderful program, but I've spent a lot of time moving my code over from Midiox to MT, and it would seem silly to still have to use Midiox for just this one function.
Thanks very much,


2013-03-26 07:50:31

I think I understand now. Two translators are used because one needs to swallow two specific Midi messages, which can't be done with one translator. I believe you mentioned the first preset, not because I can "swallow" the midi messages in the preset, but just to make sure I swallowed the messages in the first two translators in the first preset.
I didn't get a chance to try it this evening, but will do so soon and report back.
thanks again,


2013-04-03 22:00:53

I think swallowing midi input doesn't seem work for system realtime messages. They seem to propagate through all presets and translators even if they're swallowed in the first translators. I wonder if it really makes any difference though. It's true that I'd like to have the Midi Input indicator actually be indicating only non-system messages. The way it is now, the light is always on. And during MT code development, I can just use MidiOx to filter out the system clock.
Once I finish developing MT code I could get rid of MidiOx, since I don't need to be looking at the Midi Input indicator anyway. I'd like to know if there's a significant resource impact by letting MT see the constant stream of System Clock Messages. They're not acted on in any of my MT code, so maybe I shouldn't care....but I guess I could leave an instance of MidiOx to block these clocks. Would this have a beneficial effect?


2013-05-25 16:05:04

Hi Gabriels,
gabriels wrote:I'd like to know if there's a significant resource impact by letting MT see the constant stream of System Clock Messages
the impact is almost none. However, using MIDI-OX to filter them out first will use a lot more resources because of the virtual MIDI port used as intermediary.
