MIDI to open up files in windows explorer?

Mark Ellis

2013-01-24 18:39:10

I'm considering purchasing MIDI translator, and I've searched through the forums and the manual and can't seem to find an answer to my question.

The horn section in my band use a laptop computer for their sheet music. They have an explorer window with all the .jpg files, and a USB footswitch to page turn. We also use another laptop (not related/connected to the horn section laptop) to play Sonar files that accompany the band.

I can record a track on sonar to send any midi data to the horn section laptop. Is there a way for the horn section computer to open up specific files from that MIDI data? We don't ever play the same set list twice, so page up/down commands wouldn't work. There are at least a couple hundred pages of sheet music.

In other words, when starting a song in the Sonar laptop, can I have it send midi data to open up a specific .jpg file in the horn section laptop?


2013-01-29 18:32:14

Hi Mark

You can use the Outgoing Action: Execute File to open a specific file. I'm not sure if it will do exactly what you are looking for, but it can definitely open specific files with some parameters involved.



2013-01-31 12:12:26

Hi, I think that's exactly what you need.

1) just put the (full) path name of the MIDI file into the Execute File outgoing action:
This will then be the same as double-clicking the MIDI file in Windows Explorer

2) Or launch the application to open the MIDI file with directly, with the file as parameter:
"C:\Program Files\MusicPlayer\player.exe D:\MIDI\horns\riff1.mid"
You can also pass other parameters to the program then.

Hope that helps!

Mark Ellis

2013-02-03 18:32:31

Works perfectly! Purchased today. Thanks.