just reading MIDI note on without velocity?


2006-11-06 12:06:13


I have just tried the pro version and am happy with the new additions.
(With the new key presses up and downs I will finally really be able to control any software with MIDI )

One thing though that makes triggering keystrokes with my MIDI keyboard keys impossible is that the MIDI incoming events cannot just take into account note on messages. It always uses a MIDI velocity which is created with the MIDI capture.

Unfortunately my keyboard cannot transmit the same velocity everykey press, it is different everytime, like many MIDI controllers.

Is there a way to just have the incoming message read the note on and ignore the velocity so that I can use my keys?



2006-11-06 12:19:50

okay figured it out.


2006-11-06 23:02:43

just for everyone else reading this question:
to trigger the Outgoing Action for any velocity, use a variable for the velocity:

Incoming: 90 40 pp

where 90 is the MIDI code for Note On on channel 1, 40 is the key number (a key somewhere in the middle of the keyboard), and pp is the velocity.

In order to separetely capture Note On and Note Off, there is a trick: Note Off is commonly sent as Note On with velocity 0. So for that, use a Translator before the Translator above: it captures the Note Off message:

Incoming: 90 40 00

By selecting "Stop Processing" (in the General tab), the MIDI message is "swallowed" so that it will not be executed by the following Note On Translator.