Close and CC 64 Hold Pedal


2011-08-13 20:24:48

This isn't a bug, it's just buggin Me.
Seems when BMT is closed it sends CC 64 with a value of 0 on all channels. This is of course a standard reset command though it took me a while to realize where it was coming from when mapping my BCR to Live.
I realize I can just make the minimum mapping field in Live ignore 0, but I was wondering how necessary this command is upon Bome's close?
I don't recall seeing this mentioned anywhere - nor did Live mention not to try to map CC 123, but I guess I should have known.


2011-09-14 21:33:58

Hi, this is actually Windows sending the reset command, and I thought we had removed the respective "reset" call from our MIDI products... which version of BMT are you using?



2011-09-14 21:49:27

I'm presently evaluating with the Pro Trial v1.71 build 1256 on XP SP3, so I guess this is another reason to buy - I'll get a free CC back!
I'll have to research this as a Win behavior, thanks - of course the buy is the best fix.