Beware of the latest OS X 10.6.5


2010-11-23 06:43:52

I just went thru a nightmare with gigs on the books trying to get MT to stop randomly deleting 80% of my MT presets.
Reinstalling OS X to the latest did not help, until I did it again and then back-tracked to 10.6.4 OS X combo update - I hope I'm not speaking too early here but MT seems to be stable again with the older version.

Happy translating!



2010-12-09 11:04:52


I assume you're using a beta version?
MT should never ever delete presets on its own. I suspect that there is a bug in the beta version which causes a corruption of the project file. Upon loading, only some of the presets in the project file can be loaded. If you save then, the corrupted presets are lost.

We've recently fixed a bug which caused under extreme conditions a corruption of the project file. Maybe that was your problem...

We're releasing a stable version 1.6.2 today, with that mentioned bug fix. Hope that it'll "behave"!


PS: since Apple doesn't mind breaking compatibility, we recommend to not upgrade OS X unless you have 1) time to thoroughly test your audio/MIDI setup subsequently, 2) a backup (time-machine or cloned drives) to go back