Opening plug in windows in Albleton Live


2010-09-20 17:27:28


I use MT with an FCB 1010 footpedal and Ableton Live. I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to open a plug in window (for an ImpOSCar soft-synth) by using MT. I hate using a mouse, especially during a gig, but at the moment the only way I can open a patch (of my own making) is with the mouse. Within Live, there is no qwerty shortcut to open the window; is there any other kind of combination I could use?



2010-09-22 20:22:56

if you map a midi key/note to the track header (name) in session view then that note will select that channel.

map one note to your VI channel and one note to your master channel.

leave the plugin gui open on the VI channel (imposcar) and then select the master channel and the gui dissapears.

this works with the mouse or with midi notes assigned to the name fields in session view.

see here, no mouse used at all. ... fH4RRLhW8M


2010-09-22 21:20:17

Hey Mike,

Excellent! Thanks very much. Mouse begone, and vital seconds saved...!



2010-09-28 16:21:51

Just tried this as well and works like a dream.

Thanks for sharing.