How do I delete aliase's from the midi port menu?


2010-05-19 05:39:04

I am trying to use the scs3 quickstart guide, but everytime its the same issue, I open the quickstart patch and assign the aliases correctly, it shows only the 2 scs3d's and their aliases properly, but as I start adding translators I somehow end up with multiple aliases for scs3d 2 and then everything starts getting reassigned to the wrong alias on its own, I cannot figure out how to delete these alias ports after they have appeared.

what can I do?

edit* I have tried looking through preferances and application support, deleting midi objects from the audio midi setup and everything, no matter what I do MT Pro shows an extra "phantom" scs3d 2 in its ports and aliases, I just cant get rid of this thing and its re assigning translators fron the right scs3d 2 to the phantom one which sends out to both 3d units. I'm totally confused, rescan midi devices does nothing.


2010-05-20 03:02:06

I have the same problem using a Korg nanoKontrol. ...It's a bit maddening...

For me, I "think" it happens after a USB disconnect-reconnect, but they have also seemed to appear at random times.
Then I'll see the "2nd" port listed which is what the alias attaches itself to, not the original port name.

Sometimes it'll reset to normal if I unplug the Korg, then reboot, re-connecting the cable only during the BIOS boot time.
This has come and gone many times and I've been meaning to start a thread like this. :mrgreen:


2010-06-13 11:04:33

hi guys, sorry for this problem.

Usually, the list of aliases only shows aliases that are actually used in the preset. Aliases are removed automatically if not used at start-up.

Aliases are really identified by their name, so there should not be two aliases with the exact identical name. This might be a bug. Could you post a screenshot here in the forum? (use the "Upload attachment" function). Also, are you on OSX or Windows, and which exact version of Midi Translator? Thanks.



2010-09-28 16:30:42

I have a similar problem where I cannot get rid of a old alias midi port. (midiox out in the image).

Although it says it is used in the preset, I have checked and there are no references to it.


2014-01-07 03:39:15

Very frustrating. On start, BMTP keeps alerting me that a port used in the project is not connected. The project does not reference that port anywhere. The port is available as a choice when assigning an alias but it does not exist on my computer because I have deleted all but my two used ports. I even did the reg hack to force dev manager to show hidden devices and deleted all the unused usb midi devices. So I know that port doesn't exist but BMTP still thinks that not only does it exist (which it doesn't) but that it is used in my project (which it isn't). I've checked everything to make sure it isn't assigned - default ports, project ports and each individual translator.

Any work around for this?



2014-01-09 00:35:31


sorry for this problem.

To remove any pending MIDI ports (ports that you used to have open when you either unplugged that device, or when you closed Midi Translator), do this:
  1. On Windows: in the Settings, look at the MIDI device list: make sure no MIDI devices are checked.
  2. On OSX: look up any MIDI device list and look out for ports that say "pending": double click them so that they says "unplugged".
Then upon next start of MT, you won't see the old, inexistant ports.

The other reason I can think of is that there is a hidden setting of that MIDI port in your project file. It does, by no means, reflect any hidden USB devices!

A project can refer to any named MIDI devices (either the device name, or a freely named alias). Once you load the project, it'll try to initialize all ports referenced in that project.

Ports (aliases) are referenced in
  • Project Properties - Project Default MIDI Ports
  • Preset Properties - Preset Default MIDI Ports
  • MIDI Incoming Action or Outgoing Action - Specific MIDI Port
  • MIDI Router
So there are two work-arounds:

1) if you're sure these aliases aren't used in the project, you can just assign them to the really existing port on your system. There should be no harm in assigning them.

2) you can load the .bmtp project file into a text editor and search for the offending port name. It should be possible to derive from the text file where to find it in Midi Translator and remove it there. It's usually not a good idea to edit the .bmtp file in the text editor unless you know what you're doing!



2014-01-09 00:50:09

Thanks Florian. I reinstalled after using the regkey hack to make win7 show hidden devices and deleting unused usb devices. If it comes up again, I'll remember to check preset properties too.