WM_MESSAGES are not sent


2010-05-06 21:57:33

Hi all,
given the following scenario:

MT pro Version 1.7.1 build 1258:

Create a translator and select WM_Messages for Outgoing.
Open Notepad and get the windowclass name 'Notepad' with winspector.
Check 'Match by class' and enter 'Notepad' in MT in the according edit field.
Enter the value 0x10 (WM_CLOSE) in the Message ID field (numerical).
Leave Wparam and LParam unchanged (0).
Push Button 'Apply'.
Open the log window from view->logwindow (not from the options menu as described in the documentation).
Push button 'Verify' -> nothing happens.
Push button 'Test' -> nothing happens, also no log message.
If I try to trigger the message by a midi event -> works as designed.
Is this a bug or have I missed something?

Harald Ring

PS: It's not possible searching this forum for 'WM_Messages':

Die folgenden Wörter Ihrer Suchanfrage wurden ignoriert, da sie zu häufig vorkommen: messages wm. ...


2011-01-09 05:24:37

Hi Harald,

seems to be a bug with the TEST button. We've added it to our bug tracking system.
hansmeiser wrote:PS: It's not possible searching this forum for 'WM_Messages':
yeah, I've noticed that, too. It is lame! but nothing I can do...
