New on Bome and little Probs on APC40


2009-12-05 10:27:33

Hello Bomeser´s
Sry ithink my problem must have many Peoples but i dont find this Problem her in teh forum.
And My English ist very very bad.
I will Programm my APC40 the Rec.Arm butten to Control my Send A chanel.
The Dream wenn i Push REC.Arm.Cahanel on 1(LED RED Light on) - Canel 1 Send is 100%,
wenn i Push REC.Arm.Cahanel off 1(LED RED Light off) - Canel 1 Send is 0%.

Setup is:
Bone Midi out - in APC40
Bone Midi in - out APC40
APC40 out - in APC40 (off)

My Problem is wenn i Progam it(Capture Midi), and push the butten the LED was off not on !
And wenn lose the button... i lose the funktion 100% Send A.
Besause i Programt 2 Translators, one for set to 100% wenn push Rec. Arm and one for set 0% wenn push Rec.Arm.

Many Time i have a truble with Track sel. Buttons and other Rec.Arm buttons chanel 2,3,4,5...
I have nothing Programit for this but only Chanel 1 workt on Ableton oll other chanels do nothing (only Track Sel. and My Rec.Arm.)

Sorry Guys my Bad Langurage skill ;-) thanks a lot


2009-12-05 19:03:04

Hi Nordlead....

You don't mention about the control surface setup for ableton....

includes shots of how i've got the midi routing going through bomes and the preferences in Ableton...... hit me up at if you have any specific questions....

The APC can be a little tricky to get going but well worth it when you've fooled ableton into thinking it's still connected directly....



2009-12-05 22:45:40

Yes i have see this Video becaus, i nothing in ther to Config. in Ableton load a file Reactor.alp

I think this is not the Problem, i have Routing the same as in the Video and test this Routing + APC out in ...many People say that was right.

Two ways was the same, i have no see an cange of work or on my Problem.
I find my fail or what i need ;-)

The Rec.ARm Midi dates is:
Rec.ARM Canel 1 on is Midi / 80 30 7F
Rec.ARM Canel 1 off is Midi / 90 30 7F
Rec.ARM Canel 2 on is Midi / 81 30 7F
Rec.ARM Canel 2 off is Midi / 91 30 7F
( it all other midi dates)
(To Work with the LED i think i need the 2Rules if ga==0 then pp=0 and if ga==1 then pp=127)
My fail is, i Record the Send A midi dates with my APC40 !
I Push the SEND A trigger and roll the 1 potie.
Yes I Record roll potie 1 (wenn triger led on Pan is.. i control Pan)
I Controlled now Track Control Potie 1 and nothing more not my Send A

What i need is the (APC40) Ableton Midi date to control Send A over my APC40.
The Way dose i Record first, press the (TrackControl) Send A putton and then the Roll 1 Potie do not work, i can only 1 Midi message for 1 Trigger or i Progam that for an Execute File, it is to havy for my...
I don´t now do that work, or what i must do... Max for Live is to mutch i will buy Bomes but only then wenn workt my patch dream.

WHY: I will make my APC40 to an Realy good Live Istrument
I have an Soundcard with 2 Outs...Out 2 is go to PA.
Out1 is My Headspeaker... all what i Load in Ableton come Out on my Headspeaker.
Wenn i push the REC.Arm (RED LED light) jump the Send A of this chanal to 100%...,
Send A is Rout to my Soundcard Out 2 and i hear it on my PA.
This dose not have any midi mapping or other thing.
I work on Ableton as Producer and DJ and a mix of it, wery rare i need the Record button on my APC40 i can use my Mouse.
This workanound give my the save, in Produce or in Live(event) or as DJ i can load any of my stuff, Produced Songs, DJ MP3, shots, or work a little on a new stuff wenn i playd on an event.
And nothing time i must top the music or reload an templat, or other configuration.
....after an little beer or an big beer all what i do nothing forgot RED LED the People hear you ! :oops:


2009-12-06 00:08:20

Hi There,

I'm pretty sure that i didn't do any midi translating with the record arm buttons, i used a global variable (ga) so that i could add a shift function to it when holding down the shift key (it plays the clip below in the track in question)...

Do you limit you Live set to 8 tracks that you need control over the send A function?



2009-12-06 11:23:16

No i have no limit (8 Tracks)
Wenn my Way funktion i can jump over xx Tracks with the Bank select.
I Have a limit wenn i Progamit with Midimerge funktion over ableton.
Wenn i understand you, i think it must work any REC.Arm button have an outher massage. But ihat problem comes then wen i have it funktion on the first Canel...

I workt now on a new Idea to realease my dream config.

I have an Configuration for my Korg NanoKontrol, and now i make a patch...
In Bomes... (in 1 Translation)
Incoming midi from APC40 (Push the REC.ARM),
and outgoing midi to Korg nanoKontrol (UserConfiguration.txt in the user remote scripts ordner) i think it can give him any other Names.

Virtual Cable 1 in / out is Routing on My APC40
Virtual Cable 2 in / out is not Routing, is on in Bomes Midi Setup.

And in Ableton Midi Config. is Virtual Cable 1 in and out for the APC40 for Track and Control ON
Virtual Cable 2 in and out for the nanoKontrol(User.txt Template)

Now i have a new tittle Problem or an understanding ^^ WHY ?

Wenn i make an Translation Income Midi Driver 1 (APC40)-Out going Midi Driver 2(Bomes Virtual Cable 1) No Midi Thru!
Demonstrate on REC.Arm wenn i push it (on my APC) Record is on (in Ableton)for this chanel ? why its an translaton the signal and must Translate and rout it to an other outgoing driver! Notig do it in Ableton wenn i push it i think !


2009-12-06 11:51:52

It works, must go to work ;-(
i have to Patches one i Push Rec.Arm. and Send jump to 100%
and One with i Push Rec.Arm Send jump to 0%

2 Problems.
First that from the first post (it no Translation) (REC.ARM is on in Ableton wenn i push it)
The outher is my two Patches bit him, that what you mean with the Record Arm.
Wenn i push it more as one massage come... it come on and off massage everytime i push.

Demo: I Control it with massage X for on and Y for off
Wenn i push it (make the led on) come massage XYX
Wenn i push it agin (make the led off) come massage YXY
Or other Demo:
Rec.ARM Canel 1 on is Midi / 80 30 7F (send bevor and after 90 30 7F)
Rec.ARM Canel 1 off is Midi / 90 30 7F (send bevor and after 80 30 7F)

in the Demo you see i can do not Control with massage X or Y

mmh now must go to work, have a lucky sunday ;-)