Note On to Control Code?


2009-07-05 22:26:58

I would like to convert a note on message from a FCB1010 and send a control code to Ableton to send a specific value to a Send knob. For example 0 or 127. Ableton seems to see that midi is coming in on the correct channel with the correct control code, but the knob is not changing its value. I'm pretty sure I have the knob midi-mapped correctly: Channel 1 / CC 8.

I'm sure this is easy, but obviously I'm missing some step.

Incoming: 9C 26 64
Outgoing: B0 08 7F ?



2009-07-05 23:43:46

Ok, the problem had to do with 'Takeover Mode' in Ableton. I want to use 'Value Scaling' for some other controls. So, in order to send a control code to turn a Send all the way up (127), first send a 0 value, then the 127. This allows Takeover Mode to remain in effect.

Not sure if that makes sense.


2009-07-08 09:45:32

Hi tomatoe,

Not sure, if I understand your problem.

Your mapping seems to be correct. So, I you have to send out 00 first, try to use 2 Translators for the same incoming note.

First Translator:
Incoming: 9C 26 64
Outgoing: B0 08 00

Secons Translator:
Incoming: 9C 26 64
Outgoing: B0 08 7F
