Mackie Baby Hui mapping


2009-02-21 02:25:47

I'm trying to map my baby hui to a more standard controller setup but the problem is, all the switches send out two CC messages, one CC 47 message and a simultaneous CC 15 message. Is there a way iI can map two simultaneous ccs to one?


2009-02-24 10:30:09


yes, you can just enter the two messages in a row in the incoming MIDI field in MT.

E.g. given that
47 = hexadecimal 2F
and 15 = hexadecimal 0F

You can get those two controllers like this (on MIDI channel 1):

INCOMING: MIDI B0 2F pp B0 0F qq

NOTE: the order is important! if the device sends CC47 first then CC15, do it as above. Otherwise, exchange the order of the two messages.

Then the first value (usually lower bits) are in pp, and the second value (usually higher bits) are in qq.

If you want to keep the higher resolution, there is no other way in MIDI than sending 2 messages (like the above).
