The Timer - time displays?


2008-12-30 05:32:13

Hi Guys,
I have been experimenting on an evaluation version of MT with the timer function, which for my purposes, will be very useful. I was wondering whether there was a limit to the time delay and also whether or not it could be displayed in measurements other than milliseconds?
Cheers . . . Martin


2009-01-03 11:42:15

Hi Martin,

happy new Year!

There should be no limit to the Initial Delay/Repetitions Delay. Our unit is milliseconds. What else do you need?

Best regards,


2009-01-04 01:05:29

Thanks for that Rudi . . . . I'm wanting to use the program in a live situation to run lyrics from a Word document triggered from a MIDI file and so I was thinking that I would use a specific note to locate and start each song and then use time delays to jump to each successive page . . . . so ideally I would need the time value in minutes and seconds.
In case anyone else is interested what I have actually done meanwhile is to create a Word document with the lyrics to ALL the songs contained in it. I have put enough lyrics to fill a whole screen and then continued at the top of the next page etc.... So what I then do in Bome's is assign a MIDI channel and note which jumps the Word document to a specific page (the song start) and then another, common, note to jump to the next page. So that means that there is one note allocated to start each song and a common note (in my case C0) to jump to subsequent pages.
Because I'm already running MIDI files with each song I use ch 16 to trigger Bome's . . . . .
Not sure whether that all makes sense but if anybody's interested I'm happy to enlarge on it and explain it a bit more fully.
Cheers for now . . . Martin


2009-01-16 11:12:43

Hi Martin,

sorry for the late reply. So much work here.

Sounds interesting, but I have not really an idea what are you talking about. Perhaps you make a video to show us what you are doing 8)

We are not planning to change our time notation. You can easily calculate minutes and seconds to milliseconds. Sorry for that...

Best regards,