soft pedal?


2008-04-19 21:23:24


I should be able to figure this out but I am having trouble. I just want to set up a soft pedal that lowers the velocity of all notes by 30 when pressed down.

I know I have to set up two conditional rules and probably use global variables?

Any help would be appreciated.



2008-04-20 20:56:38

Make one translator for all your midi note data with a rule like pp=pp-30. Both incoming and outgoing actions should be something like 90 oo pp .

Put this translator in a preset and make two new translators that turn this preset on and off depending on the midi signal of your pedal.


2008-04-23 23:56:55

Thank you . I hadnt used that feature before. Very Nice.


2008-04-24 08:42:13

Have fun with it! :)