shuffle between instruments with one button in AbletonLive7?


2008-01-16 22:00:05

What do I do?
In Ableton Live I have an Instrument Rack filled with several vst instruments who each have an on-and off-button. My first instrument now is activated and the others don't. Now I want with one midibutton-push (bcr 2000) desactivate the first instrument and activate the seccond. When I push again, the sencond must be desactivated and the third must be activated and so on ...
I want to modyfi sounds live, created live by an electrical drum or keyboard (by my brother), toggle between those vst's (drumRacks, impulses, Hypersonic,...) with just one track!
This all for saving me screenspace, CPU and time (mouseclicks, loadings,...)

I don't know but I think the function "controllerMode" on my BCR2000 where I can choose the INCrease-mode could be the first step of an nice solution?
An other step should be of course the MT. But that folks, I leave to you in expectation of the manual!

A thank you A lot,


2008-01-17 00:42:55

Well horay!
With a little nightwork I've found it meselve!
Florian, you have a new purchaser!


If you have 5 buttons to shuffle between, you create 6 presests.
preset 1 (selected):
1 translator (selected)
=incomming: your midi button (chose one)
=outgoing: activate (only) next preset
=options: stop
preset2 (unselected)
2 translators (selected)
=incomming: activate this preset
=outgoing: Keystroke (key press or sequence) A B (by pressing first the A and then the B) = for al my amateur-friends :wink:
=options: stop
=incomming: your midi button (same as previous)
=outgoing: activate (only) next preset
=opions: / (none)
preset3 (unselected)
2 translators (selected)
=incomming: activate this preset
=outgoing: Keystroke (key press or sequence) B C
=options: stop
=incomming: your midi button (same as previous)
=outgoing: activate (only) next preset
=opions: / (none)
preset4 (unselected)
2 translators (selected)
=incomming: activate this preset
=outgoing: Keystroke (key press or sequence) C D
=options: stop
=incomming: your midi button (same as previous)
=outgoing: activate (only) next preset
=opions: / (none)
(You can make the test by pushing your midiButton. Preset 2 chould now be selected and the others unselected. By pushing again, preset 3 must be selected an the others unselected. ...)

Start Ableton Live. (unselect your keyboardButton = more safe)
Unselect all your on-off (instrument)-buttons, except the first one.
Now map all those buttons with the letters from A to E (first one = A)

Do the test and let me know!

If the pro's here have remarks, also let me know!

How can I toggle back?
e.g. I'm on instrument 4 and I want to go back to instrument 3?




2008-01-22 20:31:33

Great to hear!
Lieven wrote:How can I toggle back?
e.g. I'm on instrument 4 and I want to go back to instrument 3?
Well, just define other translators with "select (only) previous" as Outgoing action, in response to other MIDI messages.
