mixing HEX & MIDI #'s ?

Max Oepen

2007-10-19 09:05:06

Hi Florian,

First off, let me say how addicted to your little (klein aber oho!) program I have become. It's the coolest thing since sliced bread, in the midi-world anyways...

My question of the day :D(and I seriously hope you don't mind my barrage of questions lately):

When making a rule that includes the condition of a variable, why do I have to use the actual midi number here, instead of the hex, as is the case in incoming and outgoing messages?

If I enter the corresponding hex-value, I get the "erroneous rule" error. So, instead of "2F", for e.g., I'll have to enter 47.
Is this because the program doesn't do math in hex?

I'm really just curious, it's not a problem.
Thanks again,



2007-10-23 21:29:22

Hi Max,

I don't mind your questions at all, in contrary, I learn a lot.

The inconsistency you're annoyed with is part of a grand master plan: in future, I want people to either use hex or decimal numbers. The rules already implement this: for entering hex numbers, prepend them with 0x, so in your example you need to type 0x2F . The MIDI in/out messages must still be entered in hex only, I'll see how that can be changed without removing this "bare" way of treating MIDI messages.
