Hex numbers: MT Pro Description question

Max Oepen

2007-10-12 10:55:48

Hi there.

seems that MT Pro translates Hex versions of notes an octave higher in its description.

Why is that??

for example:

If I enter: 99 2A oo (2A representing Midi note# 42 = F#1), MT Pro describes it as "F#2"!

This only seems to be an issue with the description though, since it still receives/ sends the correct event. So, if I set the above (99 2A oo) as the outgoing Midi message, it does in fact send out on F#1.

Since the description does not correspond to the note played, this can get confusing.

Please comment.



2007-10-17 08:28:14

Yes, the octave number is not entirely standardized for MIDI notes - the MIDI standard only recommends that note number 60 (=3C hex) is "middle C". MT (and other programs) refer to this as C4, while other programs will display it as C3. And maybe even other ways of "counting" the octave.

I'll note that this should be user customizable.
