slide and knobs


2007-09-30 10:05:45

I am very new to this so Sorry for the questions.
I can log key strokes no problem but can not figure out how to do sliders and knobs. also some of the keys do 2 things when i press f2 once it starts play when i press it 2x it pauses can i set this up with one button on my controler to do the same thing. {i can not figure out how to set it on 2 different one either} also can i set midi commands for actions that do no work with keystrokes or hotkeys i move them with the mouse. told you i would be a pain in the ass. :roll:
i am trying to setup a hercules controller to run Ots DJAV

any help would be great Thanks


2007-10-10 08:53:44

:( well i guess i am asking a lot but you could at least respond and tell me to figure it out myself .............or how about a suggestion on where i can go to learn...........................................................................................................


2007-10-10 15:53:55

right, quite a lot of questions at once. I try to organize them...

can not figure out how to do sliders and knobs
can you describe in more detail what you want to do with "sliders and knobs"?

also some of the keys do 2 things when i press f2 once it starts play when i press it 2x it pauses can i set this up with one button on my controler to do the same thing. {i can not figure out how to set it on 2 different one either}
Yes, you can use MT Pro to set/query variables. If you press a key once, set a global variable, e.g. ga, to 1. Then when you press it again, reset it to 0. Now you can do different actions by querying the value of ga in the Rules.

also can i set midi commands for actions that do no work with keystrokes or hotkeys i move them with the mouse.
MT Pro handles mouse movements as outgoing action, but usually it's very difficult to position the mouse exactly... it's much easier to control apps with keystrokes/hotkeys and/or MIDI commands.

Sorry that I can't be of much help here. It helps me if you write more precisely what exactly you do (e.g. press a button on a MIDI device), what it does (e.g. send a MIDI message xx yy zz), and what you want it to do (e.g. press key x) and what you've tried to accomplish that.



2007-10-10 21:05:41

i am trying to use a DJ controller {Hercules} with OtsAV program.

the controller has pots for volume control and highs mids & lows i would like them to work with the on screen EQ and volume set there are no hotkeys for them so i have to set them with my mouse.

then the Tempo control in the program has to be moved with my mouse. The controller has 2 sliders {Right & Left Player} i would like to be able to set to work with the onscreen Tempo control slide {slide up slower} {slide down faster}

last i hope is the onscreen Buttons {Cue & On air} both have to be activated with my mouse as before but they are buttons so i just click them with my mouse to activate my headphone and send signal to system

all these are mouse activated so i need to figure out how to translate that to use on my hercules controller. i figured out how to do hotkey set and they work great. but not mouse commands.

i hope this make sense to you


2007-10-17 08:10:31

yes, you can use absolute positioning + clicks with MT Pro. The only problem is that the program (OtsAV?) needs to be at the same window location so that the clicks generated by MT don't go to the wrong location. A good idea is to maximize the window, if possible.
