Send Keystrokes to 2 or more apps?


2007-08-09 01:11:06

A user asked this:
Can you target multiple programs with Midi Translator? i.e. you have 2 progs running; Live and a lyric display prog; can the keystrokes derived from midi messages be sent to a particular app. Eg prog ch 1 sends Live 'ctrl +1' but sends lyric prog 'Page Dn'?


2007-08-09 01:17:18

this is an issue that we're working on for a long time. There are many ways, and none works for all programs, so it's hard to provide that functionality. A future version will have one way or the other to target specific programs.

So far, people have found 2 work-arounds:
1) use Alt-Tab
You can use Alt-Tab as outgoing Keystroke in order to switch applications. You can even use Alt-Tab-Tab or the like to switch to the over-next app. Obviously, this is rather shaky, especially when more than the 2 programs are running.

2) Use program start keyboard shortcuts
In the start menu, or in other program shortcuts (e.g. on the desktop), right-click and selct properties: there you can define a keyboard shortcut that will launch the program, or, if the program is already started, activate it. For example, assign Live the shortcut Alt-Ctrl-L. Now the trick is to prepend the keystroke that you want to target to Live with that shortcut, so your keystroke sequence would be Alt(Ctrl(L))Ctrl(1) - first activating Live, then sending it Ctrl+1.
That solution seems to work well.



2007-08-09 01:35:07

Hi Florian
Actually your idea might extend a bit...when writing macros with AutoIt, you can make it send keys to a targeted prog ie not just the focused window. Perhaps a hybrid might be to make a couple of autoIt exes that sends keys specifically to the lyric prog with the appropriate keys eg Verse1.exe=Numpad1 and simply get translator to execute those macros. At least that would be hardwired to the target prog and would be reuseable, greatly simplifying the setup of translator.


2007-08-09 01:44:07

thanks, great suggestion!
I should investigate how AutoIt manages to target apps without activating them. I've done my own tests, but it would only work with ~50% of all applications.
