MT with Podxt live and Guitar rig !


2007-07-11 13:59:38

Hi Florian,
I’ve just downloaded your program and it's really great !

I need it because Guitar Rig only sees 4 of the 11 Podxt's switches, so it was kind of scary to use without Midi Translator. Those 4 switches only worked when pressed twice.
So now, I'm working on doing a MT preset to control Guitar Rig with the Podxt Live.
So far, I've managed to make 9 (plus the wah pedal and the wah switch)of the 11 available switches to work, that's a big improvement!!

I Had to use midiyoke to make it work.
Press twice problem was resolved by your solution posted on the Art x-15 post :
Incoming: B0 4F pp
Outgoing: B0 4F 7F B0 4F 00
Then you don't need a second Translator Entry.
What a great trick ! (I don't have a clue what's those numbers means but I did a copy'n paste, changing values :) )

I'll post the preset once it's done if it can helps anyone.

Thanks again
Nico from Belgium
(I’ll send you a postcard soon !)


2007-07-11 20:13:23

Hi Nico,

thanks, I'll happily integrate your finished .bmtp file with the distributed version of Midi Translator.



2007-07-12 20:56:48

ok, cool.. I'm working on it, (ok, in fact, I'm stuck on it since yesterday 8)
Impressive piece of software that you've made here my friend :wink:

Ok, I've discovered a few things that makes the podxt live a great controler ! :twisted:
So far I've been able to assign 10+4 buttons, plus the WAH (ex. pedal) + the WAH On/Off.

It still demands further investigations but it looks promising indeed !!

