Foot Controller with Live.... Hexadecimal?


2006-03-12 13:58:22

Hi, I have a MFC05 foot controller that I wish to use with LIVE. It only sends Program Changes which I am trying to change to CC

I think I have Midi Yoke setup properly. I get stuck when trying to convert. For Pedal 1 the incoming message is CC 00 * I think I remember correcly* which would seem to say Control Change but I know for a fact that the board only sends Prog Change and LIVE will not respond to it directly apart from registering that a message has been sent.

I dont understand how to get from this to the outgoing message of say Control Change Chan 1 Note 1 This may be because I am entering the wrong thing into the hexadecimal converter....any ideas please.

thanks juddy


2006-03-13 14:23:33

Indeed you probably entered the wrong hex codes.

Program Changes are C? pp where ? is the 0-based channel number (0...F, which maps to MIDI channel 1..16). So for MIDI channel 1, use C0 pp as Incoming message. pp is the program number that is switched to. You can use "Capture MIDI" to automatically set the Incoming MIDI field.

Control Change messages are
B? pp qq
where ? is the 0-based channel number, pp is the hex controller number and qq is the control value.

If you want to convert a MIDI program change on MIDI channel 5 to a controller 7 message (channel volume), use this:

Incoming: C4 pp
Outgoing: B0 07 pp

Hope that'll work!


2006-03-14 13:43:56

Thanks i will give it a go.

cheers juddy