automatically fading controller on a button press


2007-03-03 08:16:43


I was wondering what might be the best way to be able
to push a button(MIDI note on or keystroke) and then have that trigger a continuous controller fading from 0-127 at a defined rate. I push it again then it triggers the same fade each time.

I havent used MT in awhile, but I know that it might now include simple math, which you can increase the fader in increments triggered by timers.
It seems like this might require a lot of translators. Is this the only way to do this?



2007-03-13 09:46:56


sorry for the late reply!

Your task is actually quite easy with Midi Translator Pro (public beta version available at ). You just need two translator entries:
  1. a translator entry for the trigger (button push), which will start the (periodical) timer with 127 repetitions. Also, in the Rules (aka step math), it will set a global variable (e.g. ga) to 0. The delay of this timer defines the rate of the fade.
  2. a translator entry that is triggered by the timer. With the Rules, it will increment ga (and limit it to 127 if it should exceed it). The Outgoing Action of this translator entry is then the MIDI message to send, with the variable as value parameter.
See for a more advanced example of how to do a fade with MT Pro.
