Use Launchpad to visually track status


2016-11-01 15:44:00

Hmm this has me thinking. I do not use launchpad as a control surface primarily because I saw it as an interface to a DAW which I do not use. However maybe it would be helpful to use it to control my other midi instruments and then use the LED's to help track the status. Would launchpad to this? IE if I push say column one row one to do a control change on one of my instruments, then have that pad light up to show I have it selected? If so, maybe I will invest. Right now I don't see any UI that I could use to view status (other than a given status light of the given instrument.

This may be a bit off topic so forgive me and perhaps move it to another section if it is. I just happened to think about it since it was loosely related to the current discussion.


2016-11-03 00:56:50

this will work indeed! Every button on the Lauchpad sends a MIDI message, and you can control the light under each button directly with MIDI messages, too. Ideal for usage with MT Pro :)

PS: I have moved your post to a new topic


2016-11-03 01:14:41

Time to plan my new investment. Thanks Florian!


2016-11-03 10:57:06

Well that's what I'm planning to do in this post ^^

Launchpad Led by column


2016-11-03 18:33:42

Since I can only find midi documentation on the Launchpad (Mk2) and not on the Mini...
Does any body know whether there is a difference in the midi functionality between Launchpad and the Launchpad Mini?

For display puposes I would rearly prefere the smaller size of the Mini.


2016-11-03 18:45:24

Samoz wrote:For display puposes I would rearly prefere the smaller size of the Mini.
Not to mention it is less expensive. Might be better to have if you don't need the extra bells and whistles.


2016-11-04 16:52:29

Here is my launchpad mk2 with LED by column viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12204
I attached my file on post #5, I guess that it will save you some time when you map it.

Regarding the Midi refs I guess that the launchpad mini is no change to the launchpad 1


2016-11-04 16:59:18



2016-11-07 22:33:35

Just to get this question answered finally...
The technical support of Focusrite Novation germany recommmends to use the programmersguide for the Launchpad S in case of the Launchpad Mini mk2. ... -s-prm.pdf


2016-11-08 00:03:47

Except the color pallet will not be the same since the mini has no RGB. It only has R and G.

So if I had the right color pallet for the mini, I'd be all set.


2016-11-08 17:55:14

The Launchpad Mini and the Launchpad S are identical regarding their midi implementation.
They both have "only" a red and a green led per button.

You can achieve 16 colours as shown on page 12 of the programmers reference manual for the Launchpad S ( Link above)


2016-11-08 18:04:25

Samoz wrote:The Launchpad Mini and the Launchpad S are identical regarding their midi implementation.
They both have "only" a red and a green led per button.

You can achieve 16 colours as shown on page 12 of the programmers reference manual for the Launchpad S ( Link above)
Here it is color code Launchpad S
color LP S.png
color LP S.png (42.07 KiB) Viewed 3552 times


2016-11-08 21:22:49

very nice! thanks for posting all this info.


2016-11-08 21:27:27

Yes, thanks much!