Midi Routing & MIDI Through


2016-09-12 23:08:52

I am sedning midi from an external midi keyboard to two different apps through MT Pro. I want to send midi to the 1st app after it goes through a MT Pro preset. I wanted to rout midi to the 2nd app without any MT Pro treatment. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I would think this is a simple operation but when I managed rout midi to the 2nd app, notes are sustained forever. Maybe "note off" messages did not reach, but it is supposed to be a "midi through" meaning that if I lift off a note on the midi controller, it should stop playing in the 2nd app. Any help would be appreciaed.



2016-09-14 00:31:15

Hi Chris,
I'm not exactly sure how you've set it up and how you want it. In general, I don't see a flaw in your description. However, be aware of the "swallow" checkbox in translators: if it is checked, and the incoming action is triggered, the corresponding incoming MIDI message will not be routed to any Router MIDI ports.

Therefore, if you want App 2 to receive all MIDI notes untouched, and App 1 to receive mapped data, I suggest to
  • use a route from the MIDI Keyboard to App 2
  • not use a route from the MIDI Keyboard to App 1
  • create translators for all messages (even untouched ones) which you want to go to App 1. Place these translators in a preset with Preset Default Ports INPUT=MIDI Keyboard, OUTPUT=App 1.
  • uncheck the "swallow" checkbox in all translators in the preset for App 1.
If you follow these guidelines, there should not be any interference of the translators with the MIDI Route to App 2.
Otherwise, please post the project file so that we can look at it directly.



2016-09-14 09:39:31

Hi Florian,

Thank you for the great guidelines. They helped me to clear up the fog and get it to work the way I want it. Your help makes it a lot easier for me to learn more and more about MT Pro. What a great app! Thanks again. Chris


2016-09-16 09:37:05

great to hear, thanks for letting us know.