About OSC


2016-07-05 23:58:50

Hi there,

I'm looking into midi translator pro in order to control an OSC device from a midi controller.
I know OSC implementation is in the works, so I'd like to put a couple of questions about it:

1- will midi translator convert midi data to OSC in this fashion?
midi channel / message cc / note etc --> port xx /solidstatelogic/sigma/channels/fader/1/float32

2- will it be translated to bomebox?

3- any idea on the timeline?

Thank you!


2016-07-06 00:12:07

1) yes, the translations should work like that.
2) yes, BomeBox will always inherit MT Pro's translation features (where sensible)
3) no, sorry.



2016-07-06 00:28:38

Thanks so much for the info!
I'll sit on the fence waiting for it! You have a really beautiful piece of software and hardware, too!