Current translator files ok in 1.8?


2015-06-23 23:37:55

Exciting looking update!

Before I jump, will my existing translator files work ok in 1.8 please?



2015-06-24 16:07:22

If you used WM_messages as outgoing actions, then no. It appears to have been removed.

1.8 broke my files last night.


2015-06-24 16:24:20

wilcofan, sorry for this! I forgot where you've used WM_ messages?
For mouse and keyboard, you can inject those messages, now, which will probably replace using WM_ messages.

Other than that, 1.8 is 100% compatible with 1.7.2.


2015-06-24 16:33:25

I was initially hopeful the "inject" would replace the WM_messages. After a look, I'm not so sure.

Where I used them was to communicate with AutoHotkey, to perform more detailed commands. I started using the WM_messages to trigger functions and scripts.

Yes, I could use keystrokes to trigger these functions, in theory injecting the keystroke to the AutoHotkey script window. However, this makes for messy work as I am creating hotkeys for functions that I don't intend to actually ever press. And could by accident.

WM_messages are excellent for this kind of scripting talk.


2015-06-24 16:45:32

hmmmm, I don't think that injected keystrokes could ever accidentally cause those keystrokes to be really executed. Internally, injecting keystrokes uses SendMessage just like the WM_ action does, so if AutoHotKey is not running or another window is open, the injected keystrokes will not do anything.

But I get your point.


2015-06-24 16:50:48

No, Bomes won't accidentally cause the keystrokes, *I* might.

Now I have a live trigger in the system that was closed only to Bomes before.