Launching a certain clip


2015-05-29 18:45:59

Hey guys,

since i bought a Launchpad, several errors occurred using it with my APC 40 MKII. This is why want to "program" the Launchpad with Bome MT. I am using Ableton Live 9.

My questions are:
1. How do i trigger a CERTAIN clip by pressing one button on the Launchpad ?
2. How do i trigger a clip with by pressing the button once and stop the clip by pressing the button twice ?

Any advice will be helpful:)



2015-05-29 18:52:29

Hi Felix

Out of curiosity, what are the errors you are getting? It might be something worth contacting Ableton about to get sorted, since I'm sure they don't intend for those errors to happen.

Regardless, yes, MT can handle what you want. In fact, the first piece doesn't even need MT for it. You just MIDI map the button to the selected cell and it will always play that one. The problem comes in when you want to double click to stop. So, we are going to deal with that. I'm going to reference you to a forum post that covers the double click command. The issue you will run into is the delay in ms. This means that you you won't be able to press once and instantly start playing the clip. You will need to put a delay in, which you can dial in to your needs. MT will need to listen for a second press for a certain amount of time before it sends out the play message. Does that make sense?

The post is here

Let me know if that helps


2015-05-29 19:02:07

Hi, thanks for the quick answer!

Of course i could just midi-map the whole thing, but as i said, when im having both the Launchpad and the APC in "remote on" mode, they get the same midi messages most likely and causes the APC to not run smoothly. The errors i get are a dysfunction of the encoders, which means i can't midi map them anymore and previous midi mapping is not working.


2015-05-29 19:57:52

That's fair. Hopefully that post I put up is clear on how you need to set up your translators. Single press and double press are definitely manageable, as long as you can deal with the slight delay in triggering.


2015-05-29 20:00:50

I got the part with pressing the button twice and using delay, but since i am very new to this topic, could you explain to me: how do i manage to make this thing trigger a certain clip on ableton ?
so far i only figured out how to make it trigger the clip thats already selected


2015-05-31 22:15:41

In Ableton, when you activate the MIDI Mapping Mode, you should be able to select an individual clip to assign it to a MIDI command. So what you would do is set everything up in MT first, so your single press and double press work as expected. Then in Ableton you'd activate MIDI Mode, select the clip and press your MIDI button once. You'd then select the Stop button at the button of that track and select the stop button and double press your controller for it to receive the correct MIDI signal.

Does that make sense?