Midi Loopback : error into Live with Midi Translator


2007-01-27 14:50:10


Many thanks for this software, very useful for me.
I got a problem now. I tried to translate an impulse send by an homemade pad (just a piezzoelectric) into Live, specificaly on a line of snaredrum.
The signal produced by my pad is B9, I send it on MidiYok NT : 1
and into Live, I select MidiYok NT : 1 as incoming signal.

After few seconds, data are are send into a rythm box (impulse into Live, for drummers) but about a specific channel A1 and not E3 for snaredrum. Finally, after few seconds, I got an error message : Midi loopback and nothings functions so...

Have you got an idea of my problem ?

Many thanks :D


2007-01-29 10:01:28

MIDI loopback happens when you connect your MIDI software in a circular fashion and select MIDI Thru in the software. If not unsure where the loopback originates, just make sure to only select Yoke1 either as IN or as OUT, but never as both in the same software. So, in your example, make sure that Live's MIDI output does not contain MIDI Yoke. Also Midi Translator should not have Yoke1 as MIDI INPUT.

Hope that solves the issue!


2007-02-01 12:07:26

Hi, thanks for your answer. I verified all you said.
But it doesn't work...

I have a signal incoming into B9 00 oo, figured when I captured it.

I translate it into outgoing message : E3 00 oo (it corresponds to the snaredrum into Live)

In Midi In, i select my hardware, an edirol UM-1SX which translate my midi by the usb port.

In Midi Out, I select Midi Yoke NT 1

Into Live, I select Midi from Midi Yoke NT 1
and I start the record of a pattern drum.

Nothing happens :(
Here's my translator preset.
Could you help me, many thanks...

http://yak-creations.fr/temp/my_Live_Tr ... esets.bmtp[/url]


2007-02-01 14:40:29


have you made sure that NONE of the MIDI OUT settings in Live are set to Yoke 1? One thing I just noted: in my version of Live, I need to activate "Sync" for the MIDI device in order to be able to use automation with it.

Your preset looks OK, basically. Though I'm not sure what you want to do with it? The MIDI message E3 is usually reserved for pitch bend? Can't you use Live's MIDI assignments to directly use the B9 MIDI command?

Please provide more details: what exactly do you want to do? what is the expected behavior? What is actual behavior? Is the MIDI IN indicator blinking in Live? Are MT's MIDI IN, Translation, and MIDI OUT LED's blinking?

Also, it may be a good idea to post in an Ableton Live forum. It seems to me that this is more a problem of using Live?



2007-02-21 19:40:23

Hi badiou,

Here's the midi config that I used to reproduce your request. The picture on the left is the Live603 set-up. I use Maple as a virtual midi device but it functions like midi-yoke. The two pictures on the right are the drop down midi I/O for Midi Translator. Just replace my midi interface name with your edirol device. The virtual midi device port thing always confuses me so I wanted to test your scenario for practice. As Florian mentioned with the virtual midi device you can only open one port for input but you can have as many outputs as you like. If Live603 detects that you are trying to connect open the device more that once you will see the text turn RED in colour. If you disregard the warning either Live or Bome's or Midi-Yoke will bring you to a grinding halt. When it happens on my system I have to essentially force the system to shut down (pull the plug) to recover which is not recommended. Anyway I hope the picture is worth something.....


badiou wrote:Hi, thanks for your answer. I verified all you said.
But it doesn't work...

I have a signal incoming into B9 00 oo, figured when I captured it.

I translate it into outgoing message : E3 00 oo (it corresponds to the snaredrum into Live)

In Midi In, i select my hardware, an edirol UM-1SX which translate my midi by the usb port.

In Midi Out, I select Midi Yoke NT 1

Into Live, I select Midi from Midi Yoke NT 1
and I start the record of a pattern drum.

Nothing happens :(
Here's my translator preset.
Could you help me, many thanks...

http://yak-creations.fr/temp/my_Live_Tr ... esets.bmtp[/url]


2007-02-22 05:54:50

Hi badiou,

I looked at your settings again and the Midi Translator settings look the same as the way I had them set. For the Live setting you say "Into Live, I select Midi from Midi Yoke NT 1 and I start the record of a pattern drum". Are you assigning Midi-Yoke to the "in" under the control surface section OR are you assigning Midi-Yoke in the lower section under the track midi in port? I know that when I tried that the other night Live did not complain but it would disregard any attempt to arm a track for recording. If you set your Live prefs as I've indicated in the picture you should be off to the races.

badiou wrote:Hi, thanks for your answer. I verified all you said.
But it doesn't work...

I have a signal incoming into B9 00 oo, figured when I captured it.

I translate it into outgoing message : E3 00 oo (it corresponds to the snaredrum into Live)

In Midi In, i select my hardware, an edirol UM-1SX which translate my midi by the usb port.

In Midi Out, I select Midi Yoke NT 1

Into Live, I select Midi from Midi Yoke NT 1
and I start the record of a pattern drum.

Nothing happens :(
Here's my translator preset.
Could you help me, many thanks...

http://yak-creations.fr/temp/my_Live_Tr ... esets.bmtp[/url]