launchpad novation


2015-03-26 22:25:53


Everytime i hook up launchpad there is a new Launchpad in bome Midi settings?
deleting doesn't help. It keeps numbering up.

What do i wrong?

Also D-pro doesn't react on the midi port allias 2. No matter what i do?



2015-06-16 23:47:41

Hi, sorry, seems we haven't seen this question yet! I don't know what's happening on your computer!
It's probably good to know that MIDI port aliases are stored in MIDI Translator's project files. So if you
1) close the project
2) exit MIDI Translator
3) restart MIDI Translator
Do you still see those Launchpad ports? Are they in italics (alias) or normal font (device)?

For the virtual MIDI port I suspect a similar problem: is MT actually sending MIDI data to it? You can check in the log window what MT is actually sending out.

Hope that helps some!