Spurious messages sent


2014-10-11 22:49:42

I am creating a translator that uses rules to create a program change table, i.e. one PC comes in and a different one goes out. The translator is working fine, except that in addition to the correct message being output, I get an invalid message as well: "00 00 | |" according to Snoize's MIDI Monitor.

I've attached a PDF of the two windows in MIDI Monitor, one showing the input to MT, the 2nd showing the output from MT.
Screen Shot from MIDI Monitor
(112.74 KiB) Downloaded 189 times
Also here is a screen shot of my translator document:
Screenshot of the translator document
(184.41 KiB) Downloaded 156 times
Any ideas?



2014-10-12 20:39:20

I have never seen this before. First, I want to make sure this isn't causing any issues with your setup or what you're trying to do, right? Obviously we want to fix it but I want to understand it better.

Also, does this happen when using other ports or devices?



2014-10-12 20:45:48

It causes the intended software to not change patches. It works the first time I send a patch change, but once it gets the second "invalid message" the receiver stops responding to subsequent patch changes. Yes, if I change the input port, I get the same response, and there's no way to for me test another output port because I need that to be MT's virtual port to get to the software. So the patch mapping is working, but since it sends the second message, my system doesn't work.

Thanks for your time and advice!


2014-10-12 20:50:07

Oh, well, that's not acceptable at all, is it then? These are all the things I'd like you to check, mainly so we can continue trouble shooting. There aren't many, but if we can't figure it out I'll send it up the chain.

What are you using to instigate the program change? is it a controller, a footswitch, a knob, a keyboard shortcut? I know that it is coming from one place and going to another, but how is it happening?

Do you have any other MIDI routing or presets in your project? You aren't using the MIDI router, are you?

I just want to try and isolate the problems.


2014-10-12 21:09:44

I am initiating the program change message from a Gordius Little Giant foot controller. In my rig I run Fishman TriplePlay software for my live synth sounds, Line 6 POD Farm 2.5 to process my real-time guitar, and either Logic X or Ableton Live 9 for my DAW and other live tracks. I perform using a custom made Godin guitar with custom electronics by Fishman.

The problem I am trying to solve is that I want to send multiple program changes to different pieces of software, so that with one footswitch press I call up the song in Live or Logic (via OnStage), The synths I want in Fishman TriplePlay, and the Signal Processing I need from POD Farm. Onstage will listen for program changes on an assigned channel, but POD Farm and TriplePlay will not. So the MT rules are being used to map Program changes on channel 1 to TriplePlay via the virtual output (I set TriplePlay to listen to the virtual output port for its incoming control messages), and then I send program changes to PODFarm directly via the Little Giant.

OK, so one more hangup: I am also using MT to merge the Little Giant control stream with the output from SourceAudio's HotHand USB - I wear these accelerometers as rings and use them to control synths in TriplePlay and Signal processors in POD Farm, so I am using the router to add the Hot Hand stream to the virtual output.

I know what I'm doing is unusual, but I'm a serious user doing very edgy stuff with cutting edge gear. But I do know what I'm doing, I'm a fairly seasoned Pro, using synths since the early 1970s, and I am hoping I am missing something small here, or have turned up a bug.

I am considering using NI Guitar Rig instead of POD Farm, as it can listen to an assigned channel for program changes, and that would end the need for all these rules. I just really like the sound of POD Farm and its very lightweight on the CPU with super-low latency. Then I'd just need to use MT for merging the Little Giant and Hot Hand which already works perfectly...

Thanks again for your help!



2014-10-12 21:35:48

Oh, I had a feeling you knew what you were doing, I'm not asking these questions for any reason other than trying to troubleshoot, since I'm not there and don't have your exact rig. I hope I didn't come off "know-it-all" or whatever, just trying to isolate the problem. :) Most people who are taking heavy advantage of MT are doing something unusual, and that's what makes it awesome.

Just from what I can see from the project, you have at least one rule labeled "if qq==9 then qq=41" and that might need to be fixed, regardless. Is MT Pro's Log Window showing these irregular messages?

I'll pass this on up the chain and see if the boss man has any ideas.


2014-10-12 21:40:58

Thanks, I fixed that!But no change, still getting invalid 2nd message...


2014-10-13 19:14:40

Hi Mashinemusic,

I can confirm, this is a bug in MIDI Translator Pro 1.7.2. I assume that most other software does not have a problem with it, so it has never been discovered.

It is fixed in the current development version, and we plan to release soon. Feel free to PM me for a beta version for testing.
