One Knob to act different, depending on velocity?


2014-03-11 20:44:15


is it possible to have multiple values with one knob?

lets say we have a normal wheel or slider in the range of 0-127

the wheel turned from left to middle and to the right side, so it acts as a button/slider starting in the middle

velocity 0-62 controls a plugin
velocity 63-66 disables plugin (the first and the later)
velocity 67-127 controls a different plugin

or in other words ¿

0-62 sends midi message 1
63-66 sends midi message 2
67-127 sends midi message 3

is this possible with bomes?

Thanks in advance


2014-03-16 12:23:18

Hi Beatah

Sorry for the delayed response, I've been travelling and haven't been able to get to the forums.

In answer to your question, what you want to do is definitely possible, and rather simple. My first question, though, is do you want the ranges (0-62) of the physical knob to control a full range on the virtual plug-in (0-127)? Or do you want it to control a restricted range, for example, from 64-127?

The basics can be handled in a few ways, and we'll start with the most direct method. You can create three translators, and each only responds to a specific range of the encoder. It would look something like:

Code: Select all

Translator 1: Control Plugin
Incoming Message: B0 30 pp
Rules: if pp>62 then exit rules, skip outgoing action
Outgoing Message: B0 30 pp

Translator 2: Disable Plugin
Incoming Message: B0 30 pp
Rules: if pp==63 then qq=127 (note: this turns on the plugin)
if pp==66 then qq=0 (note: this turns off the plugin)
Outgoing Message: 90 20 qq

Translator 3: Plugin 2
Incoming Message: B0 30 pp
Rules: if pp<67 then exit rules, skip outgoing message
Outgoing Message: B0 31 pp
Does that make sense? If you want to do something more complex with ratios then we can as well, but I'd rather work with how you want it to interact instead of guessing. Let me know



2014-03-25 19:14:35

"In answer to your question, what you want to do is definitely possible, and rather simple. My first question, though, is do you want the ranges (0-62) of the physical knob to control a full range on the virtual plug-in (0-127)? Or do you want it to control a restricted range, for example, from 64-127?"

sorry for the late reply too :)

Yes, i forgot to add this, not restricted range.

The knob im Controlling is fixed in the middle (has a range from 0-127), i would like to have the knob act full range when turned from the middle to the left and the same from the middle to the right
the middle doesnt actually have to disable, i think its better if i do it manually with a button

Thanks for your help


2014-03-26 17:35:55

Hi beatah

Ah I see exactly what you're saying. You can even consolidate this into one knob... something like:
Translator 1: Split Knob
Incoming Message: B0 30 pp
Rules: if pp<64 then Goto "Left"
if pp>64 then Goto "Right"
Label "Left"
if pp>127 then pp=127
exit rules, execute Outgoing Action
Label "Right"
if pp>127 then pp=127
exit rules, execute Outgoing Action
Outgoing Message: B0 qq pp
Does that work?


2014-03-27 12:33:22

Yes thats exactly what i wanted, very useful!

i have still a question:

i mapped this to 2 sliders now, the second slider does either start at around 1% or does stop at around 98-99% (i assume this is because the knob has a 127 range?)
when i try to edit the rules velocitys, the first one stops having the full range, but the second works, if this makes sense.

thanks for your help


2014-03-27 17:09:22

How are you editing the velocities?


2014-03-27 19:15:27

i meant when i swap them, one fader will always get stuck at ~1% or ~99%


2014-03-27 19:19:49

Oh, then add a rule in on each section that says

If pp<2 then pp=0

And change the line so it says

If pp>126 then pp=127


2014-03-28 12:12:40

ok, the fader jumps abit on the value now, but it works.

thank you for the help