Is midi yoke needed to do this?


2005-10-27 20:45:44

I am building a rotary encoder to use to control softsynths. Its controller output will be fixed (for simplicity). Can I use MT alone to talk to the software (Sonar, Orion Pro) or is an intermediary software needed, like midi-yoke? How will Sonar "see" the output of MT?

Thanks all,



2005-10-29 14:34:17

Currently, you need Yoke to change the controller (i.e. MIDI to MIDI translation) with MT. Future versions of MT will not have the need for Yoke anymore.

The typical setup is to use your device as input in MT, Yoke 1 as output in MT and select Yoke 1 as input in Sonar. Like that, all MIDI messages will go into MT, be altered, and sent out to Yoke 1. Sonar will receive the messages through Yoke 1's input.

A future version of MT will allow to select MT as MIDI input in Sonar.
