Bad Load Error With Eventide TimeFactor (help Please)


2008-03-01 02:18:44

I'm trying out this software and just tried using it to back up my settings from Eventide's TimeFactor (Delay unit). The dump seems to work fine and the load says successful on SendSX but I get a 'Bad Load' error on the Eventide unit.

The only thing I see in the Eventide manual on loading backups mentions that the default sysex number is set to 1 (from 1-16) does this need to be changed or is that fine and I'm looking at a different issue?


2008-03-14 20:45:39


I'm very sorry for the late reply. We do have reports of bad drivers. Which Windows version do you use? Which MIDI interface are you using?

It may help to
- update DirectX via WindowsUpdate (yes, they will update Windows' MIDI system, too)
- update the soundcard/MIDI interface drivers

Also, you can try different "Send Speed" settings in SendSX, and try the latest beta version by downloading it from here:
