Need Help!! Unable to get bitmaps other resources etc.


2009-11-15 20:22:21


I am actively evaluating Restorator 2007 however tried customizing my trading app but could not extract the bitmaps images and other resources. I mean they were not listed under the "Resource Tree" as I expected the software to do so. Only icons and version resource were extracted.

Why bitmaps or Jpegs[forwardslash]PNG etc could not be extracted from the EXE (they are resources too ! right) Is it that I am doing something incorrectly. Is there any alternate to extract the bitmaps and other resources from the executable.

The trading app can be found here:
www [dot] sharekhan[dot] com[forwardslash] TradeTiger[forwardslash] setup.htm

I also have Bulk SMS service for stock TIPS for my customers and use www[dot]dubaimirchi[dot]com desktop
app for Bulk SMS. Again it was not possible to customize it with my own bitmap, menu items etc.

Here's the link for the Bulk-SMS app.
www [dot] dubaimirchi [dot] com [forwardslash]

Pls let me know the reason as I do not want to be purchasing anything which does not solve my purpose.

Any quick help, direction is greatly appreciated.




2009-11-16 12:44:39

Hi romeshseni,

Restorator only works on standardized Windows resources. There are
many different ways to make images accessible to an app. Microsoft
suggested using resources because they provide a standardized
separation from program code. However, a programmer is free to store
them any other way -- either in the .exe itself, or in a separate .dll
file, or in a separate file with an arbitrary file extension, or even
as plain image files in the program files folder or an "Application
Data" folder. Visual Basic programs, C# programs, Java programs, they
all use different ways to store their resources. A program can even
render images "from scratch", i.e. paint them on its own, rather than
loading them as pre-made files.

So you see, there are endless ways. If Restorator does not show the
images, it's unlikely that Restorator will be able to help in that
regards for that software.
