Building Pauses into Keystroke Outputs


2013-05-31 09:06:22

Hi guys,

Is it possible to build pauses into keystroke outputs (or at least separate them)?

I want to set my upper keyboard to insert program changes into the Sonar timeline. This involves using keystrokes to emulate going into the menu item "insert / program change" and then tabbing in the dialog that comes up and inserting a number, and then pressing "ok".

So the keystrokes are (for example):

"Alt, I, P, tab, tab, 127, enter"

Can I do this with Bome's MT?




2013-06-03 23:38:57

Hi ModeratoMaestoso

Sorry for the delay in response.

You want to use timers to send signals this way. You can either have one timer that activates other timers at individual intervals. If you have one timer send multiple signals it would look like this:

Code: Select all

Translator 1: Timer Start
Incoming Message: Spacebar
Outgoing Message: Program Change Timer (0ms delay)

Translator 2: Alt
Incoming Message: Timer - Program Change
Outgoing Message: Alt

Translator 3: Timer Continue
Incoming Message: Timer - Program Change
Outgoing Message: I Timer 15ms delay

Translator 4: I
Incoming message: Timer - I
Outgoing Message: Keystroke: I

Translator 5: Timer Continue
Incoming Message: Timer - I
OUtgoing Message: P timer 15ms delay
And continue on. You can also have the bank of translators at the beginning so when you hit the spacebar it activates every timer, but each have their own specified delays. This would look like

Code: Select all

Translator 1: Timer Start
Incoming Message: Spacebar
Outgoing Message: Alt Timer (0ms Delay)

Translator 2: Timer I
Incoming Message: Spacebar
Outgoing Message: I Timer (20ms delay)

Translator 3: Timer Continue
Incoming Message: Spacebar
Outgoing Message: P Timer (50ms delay)
And on and on, and just create a sympathetic translator for what happens when those timers go off.

That make sense?