Midi capture confusion


2011-04-28 03:07:40


I have got a Novation Launchpad controller connected to my PC and Im using Miditranslator pro trial.

In the 'set up port alias' config window, there are the midi ins and outs, including Launchpad's MIDI IN and MIDI out.

Setting up a translator, and trying to use the 'capture' box, I am finding that when I go to the Port alias config, and have Launchpad MIDI OUT selected, nothing is captured in the capture box. But when I select Launchpad MIDI IN, instead of MIDI OUT, button presses on the Launchpad are captured.

I am confused about this. I thought that Miditranslator would have to be 'listening'to the midi out of Launchpad in order to capture the button presses, not the Midi In. :?

Can anyone help me understand this?

XP Pro 32 bit
dual core 2.1 Ghz



2011-04-29 22:44:32

Hi Dale,

This is correct, the MIDI OUT of the Launchpad IS the MIDI IN for Midi Translator - You have it configured correctly. The Launchpad MIDI IN is for sending messages to the Launchpad, you should assign your Midi Translator outputs the the Launchpad MIDI IN.



2011-05-01 07:03:14

Thanks Attigo. Now its OK but for some reason (maybe t was a driver problem) when launchpad MIDI OUT was checked nothing was captured, but when MIDI IN was checked, capture worked. That is the reverse of how it should be, and how it is now, which is what had me confused. It was weird. I double and triple checked as I was totally boggled.

Anyway, as I say, its OK now.