Feel free to steal ideas from Midi Integrator


2011-04-06 05:50:02

Hi MT users,
I've just spent months writing and testing a universal midi input translation & routing package, "Midi Integrator", and now find that Midi Translator does much the same thing. :shock:
Oh. well. :roll:
However, I threw a lot of cool ideas into it and don't want my work to be wasted, so feel free to steal ideas from it - it's open source Max/MSP so you can see the gory details. (However, if you use the bulk of it verbatim, you must respect the GPL3)
The translation rules are way simpler that MT's but it does allow conversion of a whole bunch of other inputs into midi signals, which might be an useful trick or two to look at. You might also want to see how I made it re-loadable table-driven, and gave it the option to switch tables.

The online description can be found here: http://www.altkeyboards.com/integrator.
You can download the executable, Max/MSP source, and manual here: http://www.altkeyboards.com/file-cabinet.

A few other highlights:
· Allows adding sustain, pitch-bend and modulation controls, via one or more touch-pads or a mouse, to any midi system.
· Any key can trigger a note, control command, pitch-bend, or preset action; converts the PC-keyboard into an auxiliary midi-input controller and keyboard.
· Works especially well with 2-dimensional instruments like the Axis-49 and -64.
· Enables features that are normally considered “high-end” in keyboards, such as turning on/off keyboard splitting (parts of a keyboard playing other instrumental sounds), and key and octave shifting at the touch of a key.

Ken Rushton, blogging at http://www.MusicScienceGuy.com