setting the midi channel


2009-06-10 20:48:03

i am not really sure why there are multiple midi ports. is this because some software allows you to bind midi messages to a specific midi device?

at any rate, what i would find much clearer is a way to select the channel for each of the midi ports. is this possible?


2009-06-15 16:36:48


Multiple Midi Ports Szenario:

Midi Device with Midi Out and Midi In for LES feedback( for example Stanton`s SCS.3 ). Szenario with 2 Controllers:

Midi In 1: SCS.3d (1)
Midi Out 1: SCS.3d (1) --> for LED feedback
Midi In 2: SCS.3d (2)
Midi Out 2: SCS.3d (2) --> for LED feedback
Midi Out 3: Virtiual Midi Port to Traktor/Ableton etc.

To selected a different channel for a Midi Controller is easy. Here´s an example. Preset Channel 1 has Channel 1 (0xB0) and Preset Channel 2 has Channel 2 (0xB1).

Code: Select all

--------------- Preset Preset Channel 1

Translator 1: Init
Options: stop=false
Incoming: on activation of this preset
Outgoing: (none)

Translator 2: New Translator 1
Options: stop=false
Incoming: MIDI qq pp rr 
Outgoing: MIDI g0 pp rr 

--------------- Preset Preset Channel 2

Translator 1: Init
Options: stop=false
Incoming: on activation of this preset
Outgoing: (none)

Translator 2: New Translator 1
Options: stop=false
Incoming: MIDI qq pp rr 
Outgoing: MIDI g1 pp rr 

For this example you have to setup the Midi Ports (Preset->Properties). Assign Controller 1 to Preset Channel 1 and Controller 2 for Preset Channel 2.

Hope that helps.



2009-06-17 07:21:17

Hmm, I do not quite understand your explanation, but I am also getting the feeling that I did not make my issue clear.

What I have are a few translators that change MIDI messages coming in from a controller. In order to not get confused when I MIDI assign these in my software (Traktor Pro), I want to send those on lets say channel 5, where as my MIDI controller sends messages on channel 1.


2009-06-17 21:58:58

ok .. finally figured out that in hex mode the first char determines the type of message and the second the channel.

so 9F, BF .. both send to channel 16


2009-06-18 14:42:25

exactly... we will add a high level MIDI action so that you will be able to choose MIDI message type independently from channel and data bytes.

hex codes aren't really user friendly, but with them you can manipulate any possible MIDI message, and multiple at once.
