convert program change to note on


2008-11-09 16:25:54

I need to convert the program change midi message upcoming from my midi foot controller into note on midi message and use it in ableton live..
I'm a midi beginner..
Please help me..



2008-11-09 23:39:52

Hello Sandro,

i am myself a midi beginner but you should be able to do that with a simple translator. The information given is not very detailed so its a little hard to help.
In general you set up a translator in Miditranslator that converts the incoming midi message (the programm change) into a outgoing note on message...

If you dont know what Message your foot controller sends you can capture it in Miditranslator. (Manual)

just post a lil more information...;)


2008-11-11 02:08:25

create a preset...(call it "pedal in") then create a new translator (call it "program change x")

in the "incoming" box of the new translatopr youve just "midi message" the box that says "learn midi"

now press the pedal you would like to use.....presuming that you have set up bomes to listen for midi signals from your midi interface, you should now be presented with a cryptic looking code in the on it and it should now jump up to the smaller box above....bomes is now set up to listen for your pedal press and will transale this into an outgoing want yours to be a midi note

now go to "outgoing"
Select (midi message)
if you have a midi keyboard, set bomes up to listen to it (in "midi in")
now check "midi learn"
press the midi key you would like bomes to output
uncheck "learn midi"

now every time you press your pedal, bomes will output the midi note you just played on your keyboard

if you don't have a midi keyboard, you'll need to entwere the midi note value in hexadecimal...which i know nothing about so I'll end it here!

whatever you need doing in ableton, i would suggest that you use keystrokes as your outgoing trigger if at all possible instaed of midi notes there are many reasons for not wanting to use midi notes as your outgoing trigger but for the moment all i'll say me, its a lot easier in the long run
