CC value to note


2006-05-31 00:55:32

Can I translate an specific CC value to a note?

Let's say I'm using a volume pedal to a soft synth, I would the pedal to send a note message when I move the pedal to 0 position and another one when I move it to 127 position, but keeping the messages of the pedal for the values in between.


NOTE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,12,........,126,127,Note

Can this be done?


2006-05-31 09:21:20

Hi Pablogra,

this works out of the box with MIDI Translator. Create a set of Translators like this (order is important!):

- the foot pedal sends controller 07
- the note to send for 0 velocity is
64 decimal == 40 hexadecimal
- the note to send for 127 velocity is
65 decimal == 41 hexadecimal

Translator 1: respond to 0 volume and "eat" it
General: Stop Processing: checked
Incoming: MIDI: B0 07 00
Outgoing: MIDI: 90 40 7F
do NOT check "output both incoming and outgoing"

Translator 2: respond to 127 volume and "eat" it
General: Stop Processing: checked
Incoming: MIDI: B0 07 7F
Outgoing: MIDI: 90 41 7F
do NOT check "output both incoming and outgoing"

This should do what you want!

There is one problem with it though: unless you're playing drums, the note message you're sending is never stopped. This can only be solved with Midi Translator Pro which is currently in development. It features a "timer" which you could set up to stop the note after a while.

More about the Pro version:



2006-05-31 22:12:29

Thankyou, I'll try this tonight when I get home. do you have an idea of when will the pro version be out?


2006-06-01 11:19:16

Release date of Midi Translator "Pro":
I'm usually reluctant to disclose release estimates, in order to not possibly disappoint users in case of schedule slips. It'll take a while for the final version, but I'm currently working on releasing a public preview version.
