
2007-09-06 12:19:08

Hi florian,
MT sounds like it could be a very good product but certainly not without a user manual. I have read everyone of your breakdowns on how to use MT which most of the users do not understand. Everybody intends to use MT to do different things that you yourself cannot imagine so just concentrate on putting out a clear and easy-to-understand user manual. At the moment I think you are loosing focus.



2007-09-06 14:27:44

Hi Femi,

thanks for the clear words.

In fact, the lack of a user manual is the last major showstopper for releasing the final version of Midi Translator Pro. And I'm happy to announce that I've found a freelance writer who is not only an experienced technical doc writer, but also a MT expert, and a musician. He has just started!

I've never planned to write the user manual myself -- as you pointed out, I'm way too technical for most users. I'm well aware of the problem that even a good software is of no use if people don't know how to use it.



2007-12-28 03:46:29

Hi Florian,

It's been a while since the last post on this topic.

Any news on the MT user manual ?


2008-01-02 11:20:04


yes, the user manual is currently being finalized. We'll put it on the site as soon as it is ready.



2008-01-15 00:16:35

Florian, what does it says two weeks later?
Sorry for being impatient, but I am to much amateur for this software!


2008-01-16 01:34:34

yes, my apologies! we're still working on it. Way too often, things take longer than anticipated. Bear with us...



2008-01-18 14:22:10

Hi Florian,

Even a rough or pre-release version of the manual would be better than nothing.
New users have nothing to guide them at present so the 30-day trial is useless.
This is not the type of software you can work out how to use without a manual.
Hope you understand our position. Thanks in advance :o


2008-01-22 20:40:31

I'll send an inofficial version to you by email.



2008-01-24 00:58:23

Me too, me too !!!!


2008-02-07 03:31:04

Hi Florian,
I'm new here, and new to MIDI. I've got a sense that my need and hopeful use for MT is extremely simple and pretty easy for anyone that has had even limited success with using and understanding MT.

I have been using Rhythm Tutor (free Demo version on many web sites), which displays small spots that show the difference between the notes played by the software and the notes played on the computer keyboard. Under options in this software you can choose between computer keyboard or ext MIDI instrument . The latter has never worked, neither contacting the seller.

I would like to hopefully use MT to receive MIDI messages from only one drum pad on my drum machine, convert it to the (ASCII?) code that represent, lets say, the "space bar". Since the software will recognize the
the keys on my computer keyboard, I hoping that it will also recognize the translated MIDI to Keyboard strokes (or codes). It's more fun playing a drum machine with pads than a computer keyboard.

If this is simple, could someone explain basically how I would accomplish this with MIDI Translator?

Thanks, Carlos


2008-02-08 22:29:30

Hi, we've just released a new version of Midi Translator (1.6.1) with the manual! You can also browse it online here:

Florian and associates


2008-02-09 18:39:52

Hi, Thanks for the Manual, it really helped in understanding the idea of
setting up and using MT for my purpose.
Carlos :)