JD-Xi Indentity Request Message


2016-10-26 11:53:22

Hi Florian

I've managed to control my JD-Xi via Bome Box and Midi Twister Fighter Pro and now I'm trying to determine how to initialise the Midi Fighter Twister with the current JD-Xi Program, eg: retrieve current reverb setting for a Program Part using Identity Request Message.

I'm looking at page 4 of the attached Midi Implementation document, but have absolutely no idea how to send the Sysex string on JD-Xi program change / power on.

If you could give me any noob pointers that would be very much appreciated.

Peace, love and flowers,

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2016-11-01 12:09:13

Hi Sean,
you can set up a translator which is fired (somehow) when you want to initialize the JD-Xi. As outgoing message, you select MIDI, SysEx/Raw, and enter the sys ex message as a series of hexadecimal numbers.

Identity Request Message:

Code: Select all

F0 7E 7F 06 01  F7
The third number is the device ID, using 7F should work fine, it addresses all attached devices.



2016-11-06 02:30:38

You could try a free editor

and explore the sysex messages . Then you can map them on BMTpro :)

PS. Check the new 1.5 firmware Roland released 8)