Midi Thru Output but Translate to different Channel


2016-10-22 14:56:00

Hi there,

I just finished setting up my launchpad for colors etc, but I realized that I need it to be on channel 2 because channel 1 is full. Is there a way I can midi thru but translate to a different channel without create on/off translations for every button? If I have to do this, is there a faster way to do it?

Thanks in advance!


2016-10-22 21:18:36

Sure! you can create catch-all translators:

Code: Select all

Translator: map from MIDI Channel 1 to Channel 2
Incoming: MIDI Note On
    channel 1
    any note, set pp to note
    any velocity, set qq to velocity
    channel 2
    set pp to note
    set qq to velocity
And the same for Note Off!
And the same if you need to change Controller messages or other MIDI messages.
