Using Local Variables in Keystroke/Text output?


2016-09-10 03:58:17

I've read many posts on here that seem to start out with this same topic, yet they branch off in so many different paths instead of concentrating on "Using variables in outgoing text".

Is it possible? I may have an incoming CC# value incoming stored in pp.
Then I'd like to type the value of pp in the outgoing keystroke / text output.



2016-09-11 12:41:31

It doesn't seem to be possible, to me. Because from what I can gather, if rules and variables can be used to manipulate outgoing messages, it is clearly visible.


2016-09-14 00:05:16

Unfortunately, that's correct. We have rough plans to allow variables in keystrokes, but it's somewhat complicated.
The workaround is to create a translator per outgoing keystroke, and use corresponding incoming actions and/or Rules.
It's tedious to set up, but it'll work (and don't worry about performance).
